Contact The Cake Witch
So, we are here 24/7 (like I said we dream in cake!) in some form or another. During daylight hours you can call us: we’ll happily chat about wedding cakes until the cows come home.
If you are up at 2am dreaming about the sugary delights you want us to create, you can email direct, go via the Facebook page or the website, where you will also get to feast your eyes on the wedding and party cakes we’ve made over the last few years (we still look at those pictures and go all a bit misty-eyed at the memories…).
However you choose to get in touch, we will be properly happy to hear from you.

We are situated at the point where Oare and Faversham Creeks meet, next to Hollowshore Boatyard and Moorings and surrounded by SPA and SSSI protected marshes.